What We Do

Financial Assistance for Small Forest Landowners to Do Forest Fuel Reduction/Wildfire Resilience Treatments

We help small private forest landowners pay for the upfront expenses that they face when they apply for CalFire’s California Forest Improvement Program (CFIP) grants which reimburse landowners when they perform the costly and non-income-producing forest fuel reduction activities which help protect their forestlands from catastrophic wildfire.
CFCF partners with CalFire to get direct funding to individuals for their parcels’ forest fuel reduction treatments.
CFCF will also be partnering with local/regional governments and fire-focused non-governmental organizations such as Fire Safe Councils and Resource Conservation Districts to obtain newly available CalFire Fire Resilience Block Grants, which are designed to serve multiple landowners, whether their parcels are contiguous or not, at landscape or watershed scale.

Educating the Public and Forest Landowners on Optimal Forest Stewardship for Climate Change Mitigation

CFCF provides speakers- consulting foresters and state agency staff- who share their expertise regarding the technical aspects of forest stewardship. Our speakers also share information on how to keep private forests ‘in the family’ over the long term (AKA intergenerational succession skills) to best protect forest productivity and forests’ continued ability to provide public benefits (water quality and quantity; air quality; open space; etc).
CFCF speakers  share their knowledge at Forest Landowners of California annual meetings and property field tours, highlighting best management practices in both coastal and inland private non-industrial forest environments, as well as pre-fire fuel reduction practices for wildfire resilience and post-fire recovery techniques for forestlands and their surrounding communities.

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